Wednesday, 8 July 2015

FLA Return by 15th July,2015

  • Act: Annual return on Foreign Liabilities and Assets has been notified under FEMA 1999. Return to be filed under A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.145 dated June 18, 2014 and submitted to the Department of Statistics and Information Management, RBI, Mumbai

  • Applicability: It is required to be submitted directly by all the Indian companies which have received FDI (foreign direct investment) and/or made FDI abroad (i.e. overseas investment) in the previous year(s) including the current year i.e. who hold foreign Assets or Liabilities in their balance sheets

  • Due Date: FLA Return is mandatory under FEMA 1999 and companies are required to submit the same based on audited/ unaudited account by July 15 every year through official email id of any authorized person of company like CFO, Director, Company Secretary at

  • Format: The FLA Return has to be submitted in excel based format, which has inbuilt checks and validations. The latest format of FLA Return is available on RBI’s web site at the following link:
For detailed FAQs on FLA Return you may please read more on the following link:
  • Non-compliance: Non-filing of FLA Return before due date will be treated as a violation of FEMA and penalty clause may be invoked for violation of FEMA.

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